
Is Water Nonrenewable Or Renewable

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The concept of h2o resources is multidimensional. It is not express only to its physical measure (hydrological and hydrogeological), the 'flows and stocks', but encompasses other more than qualitative, ecology and socio-economic dimensions. Even so, this study focuses on the physical and quantitative assessment of the resource.

Types of water resources

This report focuses on renewable water resources. These are divers equally the average manual flow of rivers and recharge of aquifers generated from atmospheric precipitation. It distinguishes between the natural state of affairs (natural renewable resources), which corresponds to a situation without human influence, and the current or actual situation (Figure ane). The computation of the actual renewable h2o resource of a state takes account of possible reductions in period resulting from the brainchild of water in upstream countries. The report also reviews bachelor information on exploitable h2o resource, i.e. the part of the actual water resource available for beneficial use.

The focus is on freshwater resources. The information nerveless do not distinguish betwixt unlike water qualities. Brackish, saline and non-conventional water sources are not accounted for.

Renewable and non-renewable water resources

In calculating water resources on a country ground, a stardom is to be made betwixt renewable and non-renewable water resources.

  • Renewable water resources are computed on the basis of the h2o wheel. In this report, they represent the long-term average annual flow of rivers (surface water) and groundwater.

  • Non-renewable water resources are groundwater bodies (deep aquifers) that have a negligible charge per unit of recharge on the man fourth dimension-scale and thus can be considered non-renewable.

Natural and bodily renewable water resources

Natural renewable h2o resources are the total amount of a state's water resources (internal and external resources), both surface water and groundwater, which is generated through the hydrological bicycle. The amount is computed on a yearly ground.

This study also considers actual renewable water resources. These are defined as the sum of internal renewable resources (IRWR) and external renewable resources (ERWR), taking into consideration the quantity of period reserved to upstream and downstream countries through formal or informal agreements or treaties and possible reduction of external flow due to upstream water abstraction. Unlike natural renewable water resources, actual renewable h2o resource vary with fourth dimension and consumption patterns and, therefore, must exist associated to a specific twelvemonth.

FIGURE 1: From hydrological concepts to water resource concepts


(1) Actual resources: when taking into account the resource shared with neighbouring countries (geopolitical constraints)

(2) Exploitable resources: according to socio-economic and environmental criteria.

(3) A country may have to reserve for downstream a role of its external resources (e.k. Sudan and Syria).

NB: Where i takes into account both the geopolitical constraints and the socio-economical and environmental criteria, one should speak of 'actual and manageable water resources'.

Source: FAO/BRGM, 1996.

Exploitable water resources

Not all natural freshwater, surface h2o or groundwater, is accessible for employ. In this report, exploitable water resources (manageable h2o resources or water evolution potential) considers factors such as: the economical and environmental feasibility of storing floodwater behind dams or extracting groundwater; the physical possibility of communicable h2o which naturally flows out to the sea; and the minimum menses requirements for navigation, environmental services, aquatic life, etc. (Figure 2).

Effigy 2: H2o: natural resources and technically exploitable resources


1. Co-ordinate to the sum of the capacities of the reservoirs and the variability of the inflow.

2. Flow evaporated from reservoirs and dams (according to their surface).

three. According to the variability of the inflow.

4. According to the intake capacity of the aquifers.

* Reserved flow not included.

Source: FAO/BRGM, 1996.

This concept varies according to:

  • natural conditions that may bear on the development of h2o resources (regularity of the water regime, fragmentation of the hydrographic or hydrogeological systems, convenience of the sites for dams, and water quality);

  • the importance of demand for water, which volition make up one's mind the acceptability of internal and external costs of water development and management; it also involves arbitration for allotment between in situ apply (reservation) and ex situ use or abstraction.

As it depends on the choice of a set of criteria (concrete, socio-economic, ecology, etc.), this concept varies from land to country. Information technology can too evolve according to demand pressures. However, it represents a realistic vision of the renewable resources available for use in a given state of affairs and menses.

In general, exploitable resources are significantly smaller than the natural resources (Box one). Preferably, national data on exploitable water resources should be completed by an indication of the set of criteria considered.


The case of Lebanon illustrates the difference betwixt water resources and exploitable water resources. A big part of the country'due south water resources is hardly exploitable. The groundwater losses to the sea that are deemed for in the assessment of potential yield (about 0.vii km3/year) come out as submarine springs. These resource are difficult to mobilize as the karstic channels in which the h2o flows are subject to mixing with saline water. Similarly, the floodwater running from the minor watersheds of the littoral mountains is lost to the ocean with lilliputian possibility of putting it to benign utilize. Thus, out of total water resource estimated at 4.viii kmthree/year, exploitable h2o resources represent about two.2-ii.v km3/yr.

Internal renewable water resource, surface water and groundwater

Internal renewable water resources (IRWR) is that part of the water resource (surface water and groundwater) generated from endogenous precipitation (Effigy 3). The IRWR figures are the only water resource figures that can be added up for regional assessment and they are used for this purpose.

FIGURE three: Surface h2o and groundwater concepts

Source: FAO/BRGM, 1996

Although the hydrological bike links all waters, surface water and groundwater are ordinarily studied separately and represent different development opportunities. Surface water is the h2o of rivers and lakes; groundwater is the water captured in secret reservoirs.

Surface h2o flows can contribute to groundwater replenishment through seepage in the river bed. Aquifers can discharge into rivers and contribute their base of operations flow, the sole source of river menses during dry periods. Therefore, the respective flows of both systems are not wholly additive. This report uses the concept of overlap to ascertain the part of the country'due south water resources that is common to rivers and to aquifers.

External water resource

This study defines external water resource every bit the part of a land's renewable water resources that enter from upstream countries through rivers (external surface water) or aquifers (external groundwater resources). The total external resource are the arrival from neighbouring countries (transboundary menses) and a part of the resources of shared lakes or border rivers, defined for the purposes of this study through an capricious rule (unless divers by an agreement or treaty).

Most of the inflow consists of river runoff, but it tin also consist of groundwater transfer between countries (e.g. betwixt Belgium and France, Bulgaria and Romania, or Sudan and Egypt). However, groundwater transfers are rarely known and their assessment requires a skillful knowledge of the piezometry of the aquifers at the border. In arid areas, they may be important in comparing with surface menses.

In assessing the external menstruum of a country, this report distinguishes betwixt natural incoming flow and actual incoming period.

  • Natural arrival is the boilerplate annual amount of h2o that would flow into the country in natural weather condition, i.e. without human influence.

  • Actual inflow is the average almanac quantity of water entering the state, taking into account that part of the flow which is secured through treaties or agreements and possible h2o abstraction in upstream countries.


Outflow is the flow of water leaving a state to the sea or to neighbouring countries. Function of the outflow to neighbouring countries may be subject area to reservation where a treaty or an agreement allocates a sure period to a downstream country. This is reflected in the ciphering of bodily h2o resource by subtracting the allocation for the country'south h2o resources.

Water quality and non-conventional h2o sources

H2o quality

Differences in water quality may be significant locally only are difficult to aggregate in a meaningful style at national level. In add-on, water quality must exist expressed non only in terms of physical, biological and chemical variables, but likewise co-ordinate to quality standards that vary co-ordinate to employ. Therefore, the evaluation of h2o quality requires the use of a water quality filigree, defining quality classes according to several criteria and variables.

This report considers only inland freshwater and does not distinguish categories according to h2o quality levels, owing to the unavailability of reliable information. Therefore, information technology assumes that the water resources it computes are of sufficient quality for benign utilise for agronomical, domestic or industrial purposes.

In countries where freshwater resource are deficient and under force per unit area, the assessment of freshwater resources is often complemented by an cess of the available brackish water that can be used for specific purposes (desalination, some types of agricultural output).

Non-conventional water sources

With increasing pressure on natural freshwater in parts of the world, other sources of h2o are growing in importance. These non-conventional sources of h2o represent complementary supply sources that may exist substantial in regions affected by farthermost scarcity of renewable water resources. Such sources are accounted for separately from natural renewable water resources. They include:

  • the production of freshwater by desalination of brackish or saltwater (mostly for domestic purposes);

  • the reuse of urban or industrial wastewaters (with or without treatment), which increases the overall efficiency of utilize of water (extracted from primary sources), mostly in agriculture, just increasingly in industrial and domestic sectors. This category also includes agricultural drainage water.

This study does non consider non-conventional water sources in the computation of freshwater resources. Where bachelor, the tables give an indication of the water produced by desalination (FAO, 1997b; Gleick, 2000). Moreover, this report concentrates on 'blue water' and does not consider what is often termed 'green h2o' (Box two).

BOX 2 - Bluish WATER AND Dark-green Water

Although this study does not address these concepts, it is useful to clarify them in order to avoid misinterpreting some of the information presented in the report.

Rainfall may either flow on the surface or underground. It may finally reach the sea or it may return to the atmosphere, evaporated or consumed by the vegetation (two universal paths of the h2o cycle). In general, just the first blazon is considered 'water resources' offered past nature to humans. This is peculiarly the point of view of hydrologists, who measure or assess them, and of developers. They consider evaporation equally 'losses' (there are only lost for runoff). The utilise of words such every bit efficient rainfall or useful rainfall are significant in this regard. However, from an ecological point of view, it is excessive to gauge such 'water resources' as useless because they maintain soil moisture and nourish natural and cultivated vegetation in rainfed systems.

Both hydrologists and agronomists distinguish two types of h2o: blue water and green h2o. They cannot be summed only contribute to the water potentialities of a country:

  • Blue water is the source of supply. Information technology is equivalent to the natural water resources (surface and groundwater runoff).

  • Light-green h2o is the rainwater direct used and evaporated by not-irrigated agriculture, pastures and forests.

In theory, greenish water can be assessed as information technology corresponds (as a maximum) to the volume of the actual evapotranspiration or to the runoff deficits of each catchment. All the same, such a global adding is meaningless for local flows that cannot be aggregated by groups of surface units every bit tin exist done for blue h2o. Comparing the difference between the green water and the theoretical needs of the crops is an average indicator for the irrigation needs.

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Is Water Nonrenewable Or Renewable,


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