
How To Get All Characters In Run 3

Unlike the showtime 2 games, Run iii introduces a wider range of unique characters.

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'Aliens' (Actual species proper noun unknown)

    The Runner

The Runner/The Cartographer

'Wants to meet everything at least once, and she does mean everything.'

"I don't know everything. I don't pretend to know everything. But somehow, people started to recollect I did."

  • Ever Someone Meliorate: In one of the box-moving tasks, she talks about someone who acts similar a 'grade-school bully' yet has accomplished more with his life than she has (likely the Angel).

    The Runner: I respect his contributions to order, only... in a mode, that but makes information technology worse. I'd normally ignore anyone who acts like a class-school bully, but he'due south accomplished more with his life than I have!

  • Dazzler, Brains, and Brawn: Herself, the Student and the Skater, respectively.
  • Beware the Prissy Ones: On occasion. Usually directed towards the Angel.

    The Angel: I'm here for your map.
    The Runner: Exc-
    The Affections: Information technology's not like you're using it.
    The Runner: Excuse me?!

  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments.

    The Runner: I'm going to find some other tunnel to map out. Catch up once you realise the Planet orbits faster than us.

  • Foil:
    • To the Affections: They're both the leaders of their respective groups, but they accept contrasting goals; the Angel wants to return to the Planet, whereas the Runner is against the idea. The Runner is described every bit one of the nicest characters in the game, whereas the Affections is the contrary.
    • To the Skater: The Runner plans alee, whereas the Skater seems to rush into things impulsively. The Skater wants to be famous on the Planet, whereas the Runner is famous and dislikes it.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With both the Student and the Skater. They're both in school, whereas the Runner is the oldest character in the game.
  • Irony: In the cutscene 'Fame', the Skater expresses how he wishes to be famous, like the Runner is. The Runner says she got tired of her fame, and doesn't want to render to the Planet because of this.

    The Skater: Simply yous're famous!
    The Runner: I got tired of fame.
    The Skater: Expect, actually?
    The Runner: Yes, really.
    The Skater: I'chiliad telling you, if I was as famous as you, I'd never requite that up!
    The Runner: And then go for it!
    The Skater: I did. I went all effectually the Planet and made friends with anybody I could. Simply nearly of them forgot me.

  • The Hero: The main character of the game.
  • Jack of All Stats: Has slightly better than average speed, manoeuvrability, and jump height.
  • Know-Cypher Know-It-All: Inverted. She explains in the cutscene 'Fame' that she doesn't know everything, but somehow others started to think she did.
  • The Leader: Of the 'way onwards' group.
  • Nice Daughter: Often described as nice.
  • At that place's No Place Like Home: Averted, as she doesn't want to return to the Planet, and actively avoids doing then.
  • The Strategist: Plans ahead a lot.
  • Vague Age: Is stated to be the oldest character, only it's unclear just how old.

    The Skater

The Skater

'Enjoys challenging himself almost as much as he enjoys going fast.'

"You know what? I'm done. I'yard hither to accept fun, not participate in mad scientific discipline."

  • Challenge Seeker: Enjoys challenging himself.
  • Impaired, but Diligent: The Skater'southward not exactly the smartest of the Aliens, but he challenges himself and rarely stops to accept a break from skating.
  • Foil:
    • To the Runner: The Runner plans ahead, whereas the Skater seems to rush into things impulsively. The Skater wants to be famous on the Planet, whereas the Runner is famous and dislikes it.
    • To the Student: The Skater is one of the fastest characters in the game, whereas the Pupil is one of the slowest. The Skater challenges himself, whereas the Pupil finds easier ways to deal with problems. The Student enjoys learning, schoolhouse, and science, whereas the Skater is more focused on having fun.
  • Hey, You!: Played direct, as he explains in the 'Fame' cutscene.

    The Skater: It was like my official nicknames were "that child" and "hey, you".

  • I Merely Want to Be Special: Expresses his wish to be famous in the 'Fame' cutscene. He also doesn't want to return to the Planet because he thinks Tunnel-racing could be the next big matter, and wants a caput-start on information technology.
  • Rollerblade Adept: It's in his name, and he is an accommodating nice guy.
  • Skipping School: In the 'Truancy' cutscene, he says he plans on simply skipping a few years.

    The Skater: School is boring, so I'grand but gonna skip a few years.
    The Student: That... isn't how it works.

    The Gentleman

The Gentleman

'Employs magnets for rapid procurement of ability cells.'

"I do wish to return to the Planet. Yet I shall not practise so until my project is ready. And I certainly shall not do so in your company. I take standards to uphold."

  • Anybody Has Standards: He may be rude at times, but he refuses to join the Angel on his quest to render home, due to the Angel being a jerkass.

    The Admirer: I do wish to render to the Planet. Yet I shall not do so until my project is fix. And I certainly shall not practice so in your company. I take standards to uphold.

  • Admirer Charlatan: Well, "charlatan" is stretching a bit, merely he does travel through the tunnels in search of power cells.
  • Hat of Flight: Well, more than like Not Quite Flying. Past holding the jump button virtually a power cell, the Gentleman will float over to and collect it, before returning to the ground. It'due south explained that he sewed a magnet into his pinnacle lid to accomplish this.
  • Rich Bitch: Can be rather dismissive of others.

    Space Mode Flavor Text: The lower classes take their uses. Employ 1 of them to reach 2000 meters, then switch to the Admirer.

  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Downplayed, though he yet is the wordiest of the characters. It's even lampshaded in Space Style:

    Space Mode Flavor Text: The Gentleman'southward philosophy: the correlation between vocabulary and social standing is not casual.

    The Duplicator

The Duplicator

'Suspicious of others, but he trusts alien technology that'due south been lying around for ages. Get figure.'

"This isn't a game. Recognising conspiracies is a vital life skill."

  • Illustration Backlash:

    Infinite Mode Flavor Text: His duplicates are like solid mirror images... that aren't mirrored. (The Duplicator isn't much good at similes.)

  • Casts No Shadow: His duplicates lack shadows.
  • Confirmation Bias: Why he doesn't trust most of the characters.

    Infinite Style Flavor Text: The Duplicator trusts himself, his son, and the animals. Anybody else keeps telling him he's incorrect.

  • Conspiracy Theorist: One of his cutscenes has him talking about how the Regime has been keeping the tunnels hidden from the rest of the Planet.
  • Self-Duplication: Gasp! The Duplicator can duplicate himself? Shocking!

    The Child

The Child

'Sometimes clever, sometimes immature. For example, he carries a balloon to brand him float, simply its filled with water so he can splash people.'

"-and a behemothic kite and new costumes and a ninja sword. No, two ninja swords! And then I'll become similar a thousand tokens for the water gun game at the Trade Fair. The Vocalist will never beat my score, always once again!"

  • Hollywood Density: He can float with a airship filled with h2o.
  • Insistent Terminology:

    Infinite Mode Flavour Text: Don't call the Bunny "the Rabbit", or he volition hate you forever.

  • The Lightfooted: The Child can run on crumbling tiles without dislodging them.
  • Meaningful Rename: Renames the F-Tunnel "The River", because it'south thin, wavy and blue like a river.
  • Missing Mom: Downplayed. His mother is dorsum on the Planet whereas he and his father are in the Tunnels.
  • Pyromaniac: Downplayed, likely because a pyromaniac of his age would be a tad agonizing. He burns processed because he disliked the taste.
  • Sweet Tooth: Averted when he finds candy, simply dislikes the taste and burns it instead.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: A concerningly young Pyromaniac, albeit downplayed.
  • Video Game Flight: Of the Non Quite Flight variety. When jumping, his balloon lets him glide until lands or falls into a hole.

    The Pastafarian

The Pastafarian

'Her faith in the Flying Spaghetti Monster allows her to run across empty space. Her faith also allows her to ignore the Pupil'due south alternate caption.'

"The Flying Spaghetti Monster is coming also. Practise you lot know why? Because He has adept taste."

  • Belief Makes You lot Stupid: In the cutscene 'Obvious', she theorises the Tunnels were created as a tribute to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, "based on their noodly appearance."
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Can be a bit strange at times.
  • Foil: To the Angel. She'south compassionate and kind to the other characters, whereas the Angel is self-centered and cavalier. The Angel wants to render back the Planet, whereas the Pastafarian has no intention to do so and just tags along with the going home group to attempt and teach him empathy. The Affections is logical and smart, whereas the Pastafarian ignores scientific explanations in favour of her religion.
  • Hidden Depths: Shown particularly in her attempts at helping the other characters, particularly the Affections and the Student, improve themselves.
  • Loftier Priest: Her task on the Planet.
  • Improvised Clothes: Wears a colander as a hat.
  • Light Is Expert: She has the ability to walk on the void of space with a bridge made of holy light.
  • Overnice Girl: While she certainly can be strange, she is genuinely squeamish and empathetic towards the other characters.
  • Preacher Human being: Very devoted to the Flight Spaghetti Monster.
  • The Paragon: She believes the FSM created a flawed globe, and thus it is up to her (and others) to fix information technology.
  • Religion is Magic: Her faith in the Flight Spaghetti Monster allows her to walk on empty infinite.
  • In that location'due south No Place Like Dwelling: Averted. She joins the going home grouping to effort and teach the Angel empathy, without much success.
  • Token Religious Teammate: The only playable grapheme who even mentions religion.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Flying Spaghetti Monster and her organized religion.

    The Pupil

The Student

'Once you lot figure out how something works, it'due south yours to employ. This includes gravity.'

"Science is the process of forming hypotheses, and trying to disprove them experimentally. There'south no dress code."

  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Runner, herself, and the Skater, respectively.
  • Foil: To the Skater. The Skater is one of the fastest characters in the game, whereas the Pupil is one of the slowest. The Skater challenges himself, whereas the Educatee finds easier means to deal with bug. The Student enjoys learning, school, and scientific discipline, whereas the Skater is more than focused on having fun.
  • Gravity Master: Her power. It comes with a learning curve, however.
  • Infodump: On a few different occasions, she rants near science for a while, with the text taking up the whole screen.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: Downplayed. She refuses the Pastafarian'due south invitation to a party, insisting she is happy with her studies.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With the Runner.
  • Mad Scientist: The Skater suggests this become her name.

    The Student: How well-nigh no?

  • No Sense of humor: In the 'Don't Question It" cutscene, the Skater tells her to terminate explaining the joke.
  • Science Hero: In the bridge-building minigames, she'due south the primary character, and constantly talks nearly science.

    The Angel

The Affections

'He solves applied problems, and creates personal issues.'

"I'm done with all this. I'm done waiting for the Runner to get us home. At present it's my turn, whether she likes it or not."

  • Celestial Aliens: A decidedly less prissy example.
  • Anti-Gravity Wearable: The ring he wears floats to a higher place his head. Overlaps with Holy Halo in aesthetic only.
  • Double Bound: An aspect of his special ability.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Almost of the time.

    The Angel: Oh, hey! Don't you lot miss your friends? Wait, bad example. Don't you miss your weird cult?

  • The Engineer: His job on the Planet.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The 'Dainty to Meet Yous' cutscene shows him to be an big-headed and dismissive jerk who immediately tries hitting on the Runner.
  • Foil:
    • To the Runner: They're both the leaders of their respective groups, simply they have contrasting goals; the Affections wants to return to the Planet, whereas the Runner is against the thought. The Runner is described as one of the nicest characters in the game, whereas the Angel is the reverse.
    • To the Pastafarian: She'south empathetic and kind to the other characters, whereas he'south self-centered and condescending. The Angel wants to render back the Planet, whereas the Pastafarian has no intention to practise so and just tags along with the going home group to attempt and teach him empathy. The Angel is logical and smart, whereas the Pastafarian ignores scientific explanations in favour of her religion.
  • Holier Than Chiliad: He is described every bit a "self-proclaimed hero".
  • Ironic Name: Almost angels are overnice. This one is a jerkass.
  • Insufferable Genius: He's non pleasant to be around, to say the least.
  • Jerkass: Constantly insults everyone effectually him, and has just about cypher empathy.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: In one cutscene, he tells the Educatee that if she really cared about understanding gravity manipulation, strength fields, holograms, and teleportation, she'd become some actual scientists to research the various phenomena.
  • Kick the Canis familiaris: Played nigh literally when he kicks both the Lizard and the Bunny out of the Tunnels multiple times.
  • The Leader: Of the going dwelling grouping.
  • The Nicknamer: Gives all the others insulting nicknames on his 'going home checklist' (east.g., "The Nerd" for the Student, "The Crackpot" for the Duplicator, etc.).
  • No I Gets Left Behind: Averted. He doesn't care besides much when some of the aliens reject his offer to return to the Planet.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Despite all of them trying to get back to the Planet, he doesn't become along well with the rest of the going abode group, particularly the Duplicator.
  • Video Game Flying: Of the Not Quite Flight variety. After performing a Double Leap, jumping again causes him to glide until he runs out of momentum.


    The Cadger

The Lizard

'Lizards are known for being green and jumping actually loftier.'

  • Foil: To the Bunny. The Lizard is lazy, while the rabbit is hyperactive.
  • Heavy Sleeper: In his first cutscene, aptly named "Heavy Sleeper", the Skater trips over him, only he sleeps through the impact.
  • Lazy Bum: The Lizard prefers sleeping instead of being active. Also, if you fail a level xl times with the Lizard, it will go to slumber for a while. It is the only character with this trait.

    The Bunny

The Bunny

'Information technology doesn't care if you call it the "Rabbit" or the "Bunny". All it cares about is bouncing.'

  • Black Bead Eye: In contrast to the other characters, the Bunny has a black centre in the center of its trunk.
  • Foil: To the Lizard. The Bunny is hyperactive, while the Lizard is lazy.
  • Karmic Trickster: Only troublesome with the Affections, who frankly deserves to be annoyed. Otherwise, the Rabbit is quite harmless.
  • Keet: The Bunny is described as the virtually hyperactive creature in the Solar System.
  • Rascally Rabbit: In one cutscene, the Rabbit repeatedly jumps on the Angel, which pisses him off then much that he punts the cheeky lagomorph out of the tunnel. Twice. In a later cutscene, it chews one of his antenna every bit revenge.


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