
Artist In The 18th Century

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Thérèse Philosophe (1748) by Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens, original edition

"Media, every bit nosotros know it, first emerged at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Papers, journals, broadsheets, all became widely available in the new created public space of the coffeehouse. [...] The pop market for art and literature liberated writers and artists from the demand for court patronage. No longer having to please their sponsors, they could experiment, and speak out as brashly as they wished." --Counterculture Through the Ages (2004) by Ken Goffman, p. 162

"Notable works in the 18th century libertine novel tradition include Les Égarements du cœur et de l'esprit (1736) by Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon; Histoire de Dom Bougre, Portier des Chartreux (1741); Le Sopha, conte moral, (1742), Les bijoux indiscrets, (1748) past Denis Diderot; Thérèse Philosophe (1748); Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782) past Choderlos de Laclos; and 50'Histoire de Juliette (1797-1801) by Marquis de Sade.

Themes of libertine novels were anti-clericalism, anti-establishment and eroticism. The genre reached its apex with Marquis de Sade and ended soon after the French Revolution."--Sholem Stein

"The 18th century is as well known as the "century of lights" or the "century of reason". In continental Europe, philosophers dreamed of a brighter historic period. For some, this dream turned into a reality with the French Revolution of 1789, though this was later compromised past the excesses of the Reign of Terror. At offset, many monarchies of Europe embraced Enlightenment ethics, but in the wake of the French Revolution they feared loss of power and formed wide coalitions for counter-revolution."--Sholem Stein

"To the revolutionaries, the execution of Louis 16 was a regicide, to royalists, it was deicide."--Sholem Stein

"The dividing line seems to fall in the 18th century; there the origins of Army camp taste are to be found (Gothic novels, Chinoiserie, caricature, artificial ruins, and then forth.) Merely the relation to nature was quite dissimilar then. In the 18th century, people of taste either patronized nature (Strawberry Colina) or attempted to remake it into something artificial (Versailles). They too indefatigably patronized the past. Today'south Camp sense of taste effaces nature, or else contradicts information technology outright. And the relation of Campsite gustatory modality to the past is extremely sentimental." --"Notes on "Campsite"" (1964) Susan Sontag

Digesting Duck (1739) by Jacques de Vaucanson

Capriccio with the Colosseum (1743-44) by Bernardo Bellotto

Cenotaph for Newton (1784) by French architect Étienne-Louis Boullée

The Swing (detail) (ca. 1767) by Jean-Honoré Fragonard

Imaginary portrait of Marquis de SadeIllustration: Portrait fantaisiste du marquis de Sade (1866) by H. Biberstein

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters by Francisco Goya from the Caprichos

<< 17th century 19th century >>

The 18th century lasted from 1701 to 1800 in the Gregorian calendar, in accord with the Anno Domini/Mutual Era numbering system.

Notwithstanding, Western historians may sometimes specifically define the 18th century otherwise for the purposes of their work. For example, the "curt" 18th century may exist divers as 1715–1789, denoting the period of fourth dimension between the death of Louis 14 of France and the showtime of the French Revolution with an emphasis on straight interconnected events.

To historians who expand the century to include larger historical movements, the "long" 18th century may run from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 to the battle of Waterloo in 1815 or fifty-fifty later. During the 18th century, the Enlightenment culminated in the French and American revolutions. Philosophy and scientific discipline increased in prominence. Philosophers were dreaming well-nigh a better age without the Christian fundamentalism of earlier centuries. This dream turned into a nightmare during the terror of Maximilien Robespierre in the early 1790s. At kickoff, the monarchies of Europe embraced enlightenment ideals, but with the French revolution, they were on the side of the counterrevolution.

Neat Britain became a major power worldwide with the defeat of France in the Americas in the 1760s and the conquest of large parts of Bharat. However, Britain lost much of her Due north American colonies after the American revolution. The industrial revolution started in Britain around the 1770s. Despite its modest beginnings in the 18th century, it would radically change human being society and the geology of the surface of the earth.


  • 1 Civilisation
    • fine art
    • 1.2 Literature
    • one.iii Philosophy
    • one.iv Architecture
    • one.five Feminism
    • ane.six Films about the 18th century


  • Enlightenment, an 18th century counterculture
  • the roots of European exploitation
  • Orientalism
  • Venus in the 18th century
  • Pompeii rediscovered (1748)

fine art

18th century fine art

Art in the 18th century was dominated outset past Rococo and than past Neoclassicism. The eye of the fine art globe shifted from Italy and the Low Countries to French republic.

Afterward Rococo at that place arose in the late 18th century, in architecture, and then in painting severe neo-classicism, best represented by such artists equally David.

This move turned its attention toward landscape and nature as well as the human figure and the supremacy of natural order higher up mankind'south volition. There is a pantheist philosophy (meet Spinoza and Hegel) within this conception that opposes Enlightenment ideals past seeing mankind'due south destiny in a more tragic or pessimistic light. The thought that homo beings are not to a higher place the forces of Nature is in contradiction to Ancient Greek and Renaissance ethics where mankind was above all things and owned his fate. This thinking led romantic artists to depict the sublime, ruined churches, shipwrecks, massacres and madness.

The century likewise saw the ascent of academies and the Paris salons.


18th century literature, Thérèse Philosophe
All in all, literature was not and so widespread as in the following century, since paper was withal quite expensive, run across cheap newspaper.

Literature of the 18th century refers to world literature produced during the 18th century. The 18th century saw the development of the modernistic novel equally literary genre, in fact many candidates for the first novel in English date from this period. Subgenres of the novel during the 18th century were the epistolary novel, the sentimental novel, "histories", the gothic novel and the libertine novel. 18th Century Europe started in the Historic period of Enlightenment and gradually moved towards Romanticism. In the visual arts, it was the period of Neoclassicism.

Although the modernistic novel every bit literary genre solidified, literacy rates were still very low as at that place was no principal education for the common man.

The English novel became a popular form in the 18th century, with Daniel Defoe'southward Robinson Crusoe (1719) and Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740). Another very popular grade was the Gothic novel (The Castle of Otranto, 1764) and its European equivalents the roman noir in French republic and the Schauerroman in Germany.

Early European bestsellers were Julie, or the New Heloise by Rousseau and The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe.

There was already literature of subversion such as that from Voltaire and Sade and other libertine writers. In the Great britain there was the renegade publisher Edmund Curll known for his radical pamphlets and earthy books.

A good introduction to this menstruation, one which describes the popular literature of that era in France very well, is The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France.


18th century philosophy

18th-century philosophy centers around "The Enlightenment" and its antagonist, Counter-Enlightenment.


18th century architecture


history of feminism

Feminist thought occurred during The Enlightenment with such thinkers every bit Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Marquis de Condorcet championing women'south education. Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) is 1 of the first works that can unambiguously be called feminist, although by modern standards her comparison of women to the dignity, the elite of social club, coddled, delicate, and in danger of intellectual and moral sloth, does not sound like a feminist argument. Wollstonecraft believed that both sexes contributed to this situation and took information technology for granted that women had considerable power over men.

Films almost the 18th century

Two films most the 18th century in Europe are Unsafe Liaisons (1988), The Madness of King George (1994) and Ridicule (1996).

Artist In The 18th Century,


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